3D Design

.obj .blend .stl
3D Designer
Model Sculpting
Shader Editing
Asset Design
Motion Graphics
Model Rigging
Sep 2021 — Present
Adding another Dimension.
3D Design has always been a workflow that I saw unique ways to be creative, and being able to dive deep into the technical parts of 3D design allows my projects to be stylistic in my way.
Why 3D?
Being able to have an idea in mind and adding a z axis to it. The aspects that influence my illustrative style also have a strong impact on the stylistic choice for my 3D projects. I have become more comfortable as the years have gone on with 3D in my toolbelt, it lets me sketch in one moment, then sculpt the next, make a cute doodle that moves, anything.
I got my start with making small animations to post on the internet. After quite the off and on relationship with Blender I really wanted to figure out how this new axis thing worked. My application of choice now is Blender, and it allowed me to learn many styles and pipelines available within the 3D Design workspace.
A shot of a marble statue with text next to it saying, "3D Design, Sculpting, Staging, Lighting, and lastly Shader Editing."